Additional Filters

Different code execution dependently on chat type


You can add special methods to your views to execute different code dependently on chat type by writing execute_in_<chat_type>:

from aiogram import types
from aiogram.dispatcher import FSMContext

from aiogram_oop_framework.views import MessageView

class Example(MessageView):

    async def execute(cls, m: types.Message, state: FSMContext = None, **kwargs):
        """this will be executed if chat type is not private"""
        await m.answer('undef')

    async def execute_in_private(cls, m: types.Message, state: FSMContext = None, **kwargs):
        """execute in private chat"""
        await m.answer('gg private brr')

Surely, it only works in views for objects, which may give access to chat like MessageView and CallbackQueryView, but NOT InlineQueryView

filter_execute decorator for methods

You can add to your views additional filters for calling different methods dependently on conditions. filter_execute accepts all aiogram filters with content_types set to ContentType.all() by default


from aiogram import types
from aiogram.dispatcher import FSMContext
from aiogram.types.chat_member import ChatMemberStatus

from aiogram_oop_framework.views import MessageView
from aiogram_oop_framework.filters import filter_execute

class Example(MessageView):

    async def execute(cls, m: types.Message, state: FSMContext = None, **kwargs):
        """this will be executed if chat type is not private"""
        await m.answer('undef')

    async def execute_for_admins(cls, m: types.Message, state: FSMContext = None, **kwargs):
        """execute if sender is administrator"""
        await m.answer('gg ADMIN brr')

aiogram_oop_framework builtin filters list:

status of from_user member (it calls bot.get_chat_member to find out the status!)
type of chat where update occurred
if message.entities/message.caption_entities/poll.explanation_entities contains entities with specified types
type of the Poll
dice’s emoji
|a callable, which returns boolean value |DEPRECATED in 0.2.dev4, because of starting using aiogram filters, so you can simply put the func in args (ex.: filter_execute(foo))

While func may only be a function or lambda, other filter types accept much more values:

  • str
  • aiogram.util.helper.Item (for ex.: ChatType.PRIVATE)
  • list of the above
  • a function, which accepts a TelegramObject as parameter and returns any of the above
filter_execute works with execute_in_<chat_type> with no problem, if it’s given chat_type in filter_execute, then chat_type from method’s name is omitted